
quick sets (Windows drivers)
size, copy
reducing or enlarging 47
troubleshooting 96
size, device 114
sizes, media
default, changing 29
selecting trays by 28
supported 21
skewed pages 89, 91
slow speed, troubleshooting
printing 92
scanning 97
smeared toner, troubleshooting 88
included 7
Macintosh, installing 11
Readiris OCR 62
scanning from TWAIN or WIA
settings, changing 9
supported operating systems 6
system requirements 6
uninstalling on Macintosh 11
uninstalling on Windows 10
source, printing by 28
special media
Macintosh settings 41
specifications 17
acoustic emissions 115
electrical 114
environmental 114
features 2
paper 21
physical 114
specks, troubleshooting 87
print specifications 2
printing, troubleshooting 92
scanning, troubleshooting 97
spots, troubleshooting 87
status, supplies 67
stopping printing 42
device 114
envelopes 19
paper 23
print cartridges 67
streaks, troubleshooting 87
HP fraud hotline 67
ordering 110
recycling 67, 120
status, checking 67
storing 67
availability of 110
service agreements 110
telephone 110
Web sites 110
system requirements 6
technical support
availability of 110
service agreements 110
telephone 110
Web sites 110
telephone numbers
HP fraud hotline 67
HP Printing Supplies Returns
and Recycling Program 120
support 110
temperature specifications
device environment 114
paper, storing 23
terminology 125
text, troubleshooting 88
cleaning page, printing 70
loose, troubleshooting 88
scatter, troubleshooting 90
smeared, troubleshooting 88
specks, troubleshooting 87
toner cartridges. See print
guidelines for using 17
priority input tray, loading 26
tray capacity 21
tray 1
loading media 27
loading paper 26
locating 3
paper specifications 22
capacities 2
Configuration report 66
feeding problems,
troubleshooting 91
jams, clearing 78
loading 26
loading paper 26
locating 3
paper specifications 21, 22
selecting 28
blank pages 92
blank scans 98
checklist 74
cleaning page 70
control panel display problems
control panel messages 82
copy quality 93
copy size 96
copying 96
critical error messages 83
curled media 89, 102
EPS files 100
faded print 86
feeding problems 91
jams 76
lines, copies 93
lines, printed pages 87
lines, scans 98
loose toner 88
Macintosh problems 100
pages not printing 92
paper 16, 90
print quality 85
repetitive defects 88, 90
scan quality 97, 98
skewed pages 89, 91
text 88
toner scatter 90
toner smear 88
toner specks 87
USB cables 92
wrinkles 89
TWAIN-compliant software,
scanning from 60
two-sided copying 52
two-sided printing
Macintosh 39
Windows 35
types, media
default, changing 29
ENWW Index 131