Recommended action
To continue printing in color, either replace the supply or reconfigure the product by using the
Manage Supplies menu on the control panel.
Toner Collection Unit Almost Full
The toner collection unit is almost full. This condition is equivalent to the supply life being low. The
actual supply life can vary. You do not need to replace the toner collection unit at this time.
Recommended action
No action is necessary to continue. Consider ordering another toner collection unit.
Unsupported supply installed
One of the print cartridges is for a different HP product.
Recommended action
Remove the print cartridge from that slot, and install a cartridge that is for the HP product.
Used supply in use
One of the print cartridges has been previously used.
Recommended action
If you believe you purchased a genuine HP supply, go to
Wrong cartridge in <color> slot
The indicated slot for a print cartridge contains a cartridge that is not the correct color. From left to
right, the print cartridges should be installed in this order:
Recommended action
Remove the print cartridge from that slot, and install a cartridge that is the correct color.
116 Chapter 7 Print cartridges, toner collection unit, and other supplies ENWW