
product description
audio 2
chipset 1
diskette drive 2
Ethernet 2
expansion port 3
external media cards 2
flash storage drive 2
graphics 1
hard drive 2
internal media cards 2
keyboard 3
mass storage device 2
memory module 1
modem 2
operating system 3
optical drive 2
panels 1
pointing device 3
ports 2
power requirements 3
processors 1
product name 1
security 3
serviceability 3
solid-state drive 2
webcam 2
wireless 2
product name 1
preliminaries 29
procedures 35
right-side components 9
RJ-45 jack
location 10
pin assignments 100
RTC battery
removal 52
spare part number 15, 26,
Rubber Kit, spare part
number 22, 25
Screw Kit
contents 84
spare part number 23, 25
screw listing 84
SD Card Reader 9
security cable connector 9
Security menu 72
security, product description 3
serial number 12, 35
service considerations 29
service tag 12, 35
serviceability, product
description 3
Setup Utility
accessing 70
changing the language 70
Diagnostics menu 73
Main menu 72
navigating and selecting 71
Security menu 72
System Configuration
menu 73
using 70
sleeve, spare part number 22,
solid-state drive
product description 2
removal 42
spare part number 26, 42
solid-state drives
spare part number 14
speaker assembly
illustrated 17
removal 64
spare part number 17, 26,
speaker grill
illustrated 17
removal 64
spare part number 17, 26,
27, 64
speakers 4
device 74
display 75, 76, 77
hard drive 78
I/O addresses 81
interrupts 80
memory map 83
solid-state drive 79
system DMA 80
static-shielding materials 33
internal display 4
power 8
wireless 8
system board
removal 54
spare part number 15, 24,
System Configuration menu 73
system DMA 80
system information 72
system memory map 83
tools required 29
top components 4
top cover
removal 45
spare part number 14, 25,
27, 45
TouchPad 7
TouchPad buttons 7
TouchPad components 7
TouchPad on/off button 7
TouchPad on/off light 7
TouchPad scroll zone 7
transporting guidelines 32
unknown password 34
USB board
removal 61
spare part number 61
USB board, spare part
number 15, 26
USB port
location 9, 10
pin assignments 100
vents 9, 10, 11
webcam 4
webcam module
illustrated 18
removal 66
spare part number 18, 67
spare part number 10.1-inch
panels 28
spare part number 8.9-inch
panels 25
webcam, product description 2
Index 111