
Troubleshooting 97
A detailed description of the problem and any associated error messages
Linux operating systems
Collect the following information:
Operating system distribution and version
Look for a file named /etc/distribution-release (for example, /etc/redhat-release)
Kernel version in use
Output from the following commands (performed by root):
o lspci -v
o uname -a
o cat /proc/meminfo
o cat /proc/cpuinfo
o rpm -ga
o dmesg
o lsmod
o ps -ef
o ifconfig -a
o chkconfig -list
o mount
Contents of the following files:
o /var/log/messages
o /etc/modules.conf or etc/conf.modules
o /etc/lilo.conf or /etc/grub.conf
o /etc/fstab
If HP drivers are installed:
o Version of the drivers used
o List of drivers
A list of each third-party hardware component installed, with the firmware revisions
A list of each third-party software component installed, with the versions
A detailed description of the problem and any associated error messages