hp ProLiant ML570
Generation 2 (G2)
DA-11421 World Wide — Version 2 — November 19, 2002 12
Flat Panel TFT8030 18″ Color Monitor Two-Tone (Carbon/Silver) 234362-xxx
Flat Panel TFT1825 18″ Color Monitor Two-Tone 296751-xxx
Flat Panel TFT7020 17″ Color Monitor Two-Tone (Carbon/Silver) 253216-xxx
Flat Panel TFT1720 17″Color Monitor Two-Tone 295926-xxx
Flat Panel TFT1520 15″Color Monitor Two-Tone 295925-xxx
Flat Panel TFT2025 20″ Color Monitor Two-Tone 285550-xxx
TFT5010R Flat Panel Monitor (Carbon) 281683-B21
TFT5010R Flat Panel Monitor (NA) 217248-001
TFT5010R Flat Panel Monitor (Int’l) 217248-B31
TFT5010R Flat Panel Monitor (Japan) 217248-291
Note: Monitors larger than 17″ may be too heavy for use in rack systems.
Dash # Description
-001 NA
-B24 All NA/LA models
Dash # Description
-011 Australia/NZ
Dash # Description
-291 Japan
Tape Drives
Internal and External DAT Tape Drives
Internal 12/24-GB DAT Drive (opal) 295513-B22
Internal 12/24-GB DAT Drive (opal) (Japan) 295513-292
Note: Please see the 12/24-GB DAT Drive QuickSpecs for additional options such as cassettes and for an up-to-
date listing of the latest O/S Support details, please see the following:
http://www5.compaq.com/products/quickspecs/10239_div/10239_div.HTML (Division/World Wide)
http://www5.compaq.com/products/quickspecs/10239_na/10239_na.HTML (North America)
HP StorageWorks 20/40-GB DAT DDS-4 Tape Drive, Internal (Carbon) (WW) 157769-B22
HP StorageWorks 20/40-GB DAT DDS-4 Tape Drive, External (Carbon) (NA)
HP StorageWorks 20/40-GB DAT DDS-4 Tape Drive, External (Int’l) (Carbon)
HP StorageWorks 20/40-GB DAT DDS-4 Tape Drive, External (Japan) (Carbon)
HP StorageWorks Internal 20/40-GB DAT, Hot Plug (Carbon)
Note: Please see the 20/40-GB DAT Tape Drive QuickSpecs for additional options such as host bus adapters,
controllers, cassettes, and for an up-to-date listing of the latest O/S Support details, please see the following:
http://www5.compaq.com/products/quickspecs/10426_div/10426_div.HTML (Division/World Wide)
http://www5.compaq.com/products/quickspecs/10426_na/10426_na.HTML (North America)
Internal and External Ultrium 230 Tape Drives for ProLiant
HP StorageWorks Ultrium 230 Tape Drive for ProLiant, Internal (Carbon) WW Q1515A
HP StorageWorks Ultrium 230 Tape Drive for ProLiant, External (Carbon) NA Q1516A
HP StorageWorks Ultrium 230 Tape Drive for ProLiant, External (Carbon) Int’l
Note: Please see the HP StorageWorks Ultrium 230 Tape Drives for ProLiant QuickSpecs for additional options
such as data and cleaning cartridges, and for an up-to-date listing of the latest O/S Support details, please
see the following:
http://www5.compaq.com/products/quickspecs/11415_div/11415_div.HTML (Division/World Wide)
http://www5.compaq.com/products/quickspecs/11415_na/11415_na.HTML (North America)
Note: One-Button Disaster Recovery is not supported on ProLiant servers