Preinstalled Software for
Preinstalled Software forPreinstalled Software for
Preinstalled Software for
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows XPMicrosoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows XP
Verizon VZAccess Manager
HP Wireless Assistant
Bluetooth for Windows
Preloaded Software for
Preloaded Software forPreloaded Software for
Preloaded Software for
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows XPMicrosoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows XP
Adobe Acrobat Reader
HP Local Recovery provided by Altiris*
HP Easy Access Buttons Software
HP Mobile Print Driver
Synaptics Touchpad Driver
HP Help and Support
HP ProtectTools Security Manager:
BIOS Configuration for HP ProtectTools
Credential Manager for HP ProtectTools
Sonic RecordNow! (for optional DVD+/-RW and DVD/CDRW drives)*
Symantec Norton Antivirus with complimentary 60-day live update
Intervideo WinDVD – DVD Player (for optional DVD+/-RW, DVD/CDRW
and DVD drives)*
Software on CD
Software on CDSoftware on CD
Software on CD
Intervideo WinDVD Creator – DVD Authoring (for optional DVD+/-RW
Additional software
Additional softwareAdditional software
Additional software
available from the Web
available from the Webavailable from the Web
available from the Web
HP Client Manager Software
HP ProtectTools Security Manager:
Smart Card Security for HP ProtectTools
* Software is loaded on the hard drive and must be installed by running the Software Setup utility.
System Recovery for
System Recovery forSystem Recovery for
System Recovery for
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows XPMicrosoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows XP
systems only
systems onlysystems only
systems only
Each unit is shipped with a recovery kit containing Operating System Recovery and Driver/Application
Recovery discs. These discs allow users to either recover or repair the notebook operating system and
select drivers without losing personal data. The Operating System disc also provides the option of
reinstalling the operating system software provided with the notebook.
Client Management
Client ManagementClient Management
Client Management
HP Client Manager Software (CMS) provides asset tracking, alerting, diagnostics, and SoftPaq
distribution for HP business desktops, notebooks, and workstations. HP CMS is the foundation for HP
Client Management Solutions. For more information and to download HP Client Manager Software,
please refer to the HP website at
HP Local Recovery
HP Local RecoveryHP Local Recovery
HP Local Recovery
Provided by Altiris
Provided by AltirisProvided by Altiris
Provided by Altiris
Provides data and system file protection for HP business PCs to enable fast recovery of information that is
accidentally deleted or if the system becomes corrupted. Designed for disconnected or seldom-
connected users, Local Recovery protects your HP computer's data and system state by taking scheduled
snapshots, which are then stored in a protected area on the local hard disk. System backup and disaster
recovery is now simple and fast for all users, regardless of connectivity. For more information and to
download, please refer to the HP website at
SMBIOS Version 2.3.4
SMBIOS Version 2.3.4SMBIOS Version 2.3.4
SMBIOS Version 2.3.4
System Management BIOS, previously known as DMI BIOS, is used to store system management
HP Compaq nc6140 Notebook PC
HP Compaq nc6140 Notebook PCHP Compaq nc6140 Notebook PC
HP Compaq nc6140 Notebook PC
Standard Features
DA - 12375 North America — Version 5 — September 6, 2006
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