CAS Menu
This menu contains the more common math functions available to you in the CAS, arranged by
category. (Other CAS functions are available from the Catlg menu.) Press D and, if necessary,
. Select the appropriate category and then choose the function you want. For example,
suppose you want to find the greatest common divisor of 4656, 764 and 8794:
1. P r e s s D (and tap if necessary).
2. Select Integer from the main menu and GCD from the sub-menu.
The function—gcd()—appears on the entry line ready for you to specify the numbers whose
greatest common divisor you are trying to find.
3. Enter 4656, 764, 8794 between the parentheses and press E. The result is 2.
App Menu
This menu lists all the app functions available to you, arranged by app. Press D and, if
necessary, tap . Select the appropriate app and then choose the app function you want. For
example, suppose you want to find the slope of 2x
– 9x when x = 2. Rather than using the
Function app, a quicker way is to:
1. P r e s s D (and tap if necessary).
2. Select Function from the main menu and SLOPE from the sub-menu.
The function SLOPE() appears on the entry line ready for you to specify the function and the x-
value (separated by a comma). Note that if the current app is not the Function app, what appears on the entry line is
3. Enter 2*X
–9*X,2 and press E. The result is –1.