3-2 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Service Manual
Support by Authorized Service Providers
In the U.S., support of notebook computers by Authorized Service Providers (ASPs) is a purchasable
option. Standard predefined models and standard special models do not include ASP support. The sales
force has the option of creating models with ASP support using the specials process.
The serial number label on the bottom of the notebook indicates the ASP support status for that model. See
the following table.
Table 3-1. ASP Support Options
Serial Number Label ASP Support Status
“NoASP” No reimbursement to ASP for parts or labor. However the ASP is authorized to repair the
notebook, and reimbursement can be negotiated directly with the customer.
“ASP” Parts and labor will be reimbursed to the ASP.
In other countries, ASP support is standard in most situations but you should check the marking on the serial
number label to verify the ASP support status for that model.