
Expanding the OmniBook
Connecting External Devices
Using a PC card
The OmniBook supports two kinds of plug-in PC cards:
Data storage cards, often called “disks”.
Input/Output (I/O) cards, typically providing external connections, such as
modems and networks.
The OmniBook card slots support the PC Card Standard, type II and III cards. You
can use two thin cards or one thick card. The upper card slot supports Zoomed
Video, which allows a zoomed video card to show high-quality multimedia
For information about compatible cards, visit our Web site at
http://www.hp.com/go/omnibook. Or, contact Hewlett-Packard as described in the
Support and Service booklet or in OmniBook Support in the online OnmiBook
Do not install Card Services or Socket Services software if it comes with your
PC card. The OmniBook includes Card Services and Socket Services, which
automatically notice and adapt to PC cards you install. Different versions of
this software will disrupt this support.
When using Windows 95 and a PC card, close all files and applications that are
open to it before turning off the OmniBook. Otherwise, you could lose data.
The upper card slot is the most convenient for a plug-in card that you want to
remove easily or often.
The lower card slot is better for a plug-in card that you don’t want to remove
accidentally. If the card has an external connection, make sure it’s accessible
through the cutout in the tray.