EN Syntax of Escape Sequences 1-7
The following is an example of an escape sequence with a
termination character and no parameter character. This escape
sequence performs a single function.
Notes Some escape sequences shown in this manual contain spaces
between characters for clarity. Do not include these spaces when
using escape sequences.
Also, in the escape sequence a script “
l” is used to indicate a lower
case “l” for clarity.
The following is an example of an escape sequence with a parameter
character and a termination character. This escape sequence
performs two functions. It is the combination of two commands
(?&l1O and ?&l2A):
Notice that the “?”and the “&l”are dropped from the second printer
command when the two commands are combined. Also, the
upper-case “O” that terminated the first command becomes a
lower-case “o” parameter character when these commands are