
EN Raster Graphics 6-21
The Set Compression Mode command has the following form:
? * b # M
Unencoded (Method 0)
This is a simple transfer of binary data without any compression.
Run-length Encoding (Method 1)
Run-length encoding interprets raster data in pairs of bytes. The first
byte of each pair is the repetition count for the data in the second
byte. The second byte is the raster data to be printed. A repetition
count of 0 signifies the pattern in the data byte is not repeated (it
occurs only once). A repetition count of 1 signifies the pattern occurs
twice. The repetition count can range from 0 to 255 for a repetition of
1 to 256 times.
[(Repetition count byte 0-255)(pattern byte)] . [ . ] [ ]
Tagged Image File Format Encoding
(Method 2)
Tagged Image File Format encoding interprets raster data as TIFF
“Packbits.” This format combines features of methods 0 and 1. A
control byte precedes the raster data (pattern bytes). The control
byte identifies whether the pattern byte(s) represent a byte that is to
be repeated some number of times (up to 127), or represent some
number of bytes (up to 127) which are to be printed as is (literally).
# = 0 - Unencoded
1 - Run-length encoding
2 - Tagged Imaged File Format (TIFF) rev. 4.0
3 - Delta row compression
5 - Adaptive compression
Default =0
Range = 0 - 3, 5 (other values are ignored)