
ISQL Statements
FairCom Corporation 3-13
insert into stores values (1001,chassis);
insert into stores values (1002,chips);
select * from stores where item_no > 1001;
set echo off ;
To execute the above statements stored in a file named cmdfile, enter:
ISQL> @cmdfile
3.7.2 BREAK
BREAK [ ON break_spec [ SKIP n ] ] ;
{ column_name [ , … ] | ROW | PAGE | REPORT }
The BREAK statement specifies at what point ISQL processes associated DISPLAY and
COMPUTE statements. DISPLAY and COMPUTE statements have no effect until you issue a
BREAK statement with the same break specification.
A break can be specified on any of the following events:
Change in the value of a column
Selection of each row
End of a page
End of a report
Only one BREAK statement can be in effect at a time. When a new BREAK statement is
entered, it replaces the previous BREAK statement. The BREAK statement can specify one or
more columns on which the break can occur.
The BREAK statement without any clauses displays the currently-set break, if any.
The events that cause an SQL query to be interrupted and the execution of the associated
COMPUTE and DISPLAY statements. break_spec can be any of the following values:
column_name Causes a break when the value of the column specified by
column_name changes.
ROW Causes a break on every row selected by a SELECT statement.