You can customize all of the printer’s interfaces through the Adminis-
tration/Communications menu.
Use the Administration/Communications/Network 2/CrownNet menu
to set the printer-host communication values for the Ethernet inter-
face. Complete configuration information is included in the
CrownNet Interface System Administrator’s Guide
Use the Administration/Communications/Network 1/LocalTalk menu
to set the printer-host communication values for the optional Local-
Talk interface. Complete configuration information is included in chap-
ter 6, “Printer Options,” of this manual.
Use the Administration/Communications/Network 1/
menu to
set the printer-host communication values for an optional network
interface, such as CrownNet. The documentation that comes with the
interface contains complete configuration information.
Use the Administration/Communications/Parallel menu to set the par-
allel interface values used for printer-host communications.
Sets the number of data bits transmitted per character.
Menu Administration/Communications/Parallel/Data Bits
Choices 7 Bits, 8 Bits
Default 8 Bits