D Installing HP 3PAR Storage Software When HP 3PAR
SmartStart is Unavailable
Use the following instructions to manually launch the setup wizards to configure the SP and StoreServ
from a browser if you are not using HP 3PAR SmartStart or SmartStart is unavailable. Review the
prerequisites and information about storage and system components before proceeding.
Verify the following preliminary tasks are completed:
• Cabling must be completed, and the storage system LEDs indicate that cables are properly
installed and the storage system is operating normally.
• The HP 3PAR Service Processor is on the same network as the storage system.
• Either the HP 3PAR Service Processor is powered on, or the virtual Service Processor is deployed
and powered on.
• The StoreServ must be connected to the same subnet of the SP, powered on, and in a
non-initialized state for the setup process to verify the StoreServ.
Launching the SP Setup Wizard
To launch the SP setup wizard:
1. Launch a web browser.
2. Enter the SP URL address. For example:
3. In the User Name text box, type setupusr and leave the password blank. You can change
the password in the SP Setup wizard.
4. Continue on to the following steps to complete the setup. See “Welcome Page” (page 54).
Launching the Storage System Setup Wizard
To launch the storage system setup wizard:
1. Launch a web browser.
2. Enter the SP URL address. For example:
3. In the User Name text box, type setupusr and enter the password previously set during the
SP setup.
4. Continue on to the following steps to complete the setup. See “Welcome” (page 66).
Installing the Management Console When HP 3PAR SmartStart is
1. Insert the Management Console DVD.
2. Follow the setup instructions. If you encounter issues, view the Management Console Readme
NOTE: To log into your storage system using the Management Console, enter username
3paradm and the 3paradm password used during set up with the Storage System Setup
92 Installing HP 3PAR Storage Software When HP 3PAR SmartStart is Unavailable