LCD Configuration and Status
Changing the System Setup Options
Select System Setup from the Main Menu to enter the menu for changing system setup
Main Menu
System Setup
To change the system setup, you must enter the correct password. Use the Center and Enter
buttons to select the six digits for the password [0-9 and A-Z].
NOTE: The password must be six characters long. The default password is COMPAQ. To establish or
change the password, refer to the section, “Setting the Password,” in this chapter.
Enter Password
1. Select the first digit using the up and down arrow keys on the Center button.
2. Press the right arrow key on the Center button to move to the next digit.
3. To change a digit, use the left arrow key on the Center button to go back.
4. After entering the entire password, press the Enter button.
IMPORTANT: Record your password. After 30 minutes with no key presses, security is
automatically restored and the display changes to the main status display.
Setting the Baud Rate
Select Comm Setup from the System Setup menu to set up the baud rate for the
communication ports and option slots.
System Setup
Comm Setup
Table 3-8: Communications Setup Choices
LCD Display Explanation
Comm Setup
Serial Port x
Select the communication port to set up. x is either 1 or 2.
Comm Setup
Opt-Slot x
Select the option slot to set up. x is either 1 or 2.
3-12 HP Uninterruptible Power System R12000 XR Models User Guide
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