Chapter 6
Removing and Replacing Components
System Memory DIMMs
Table 6-1 and Figure 6-8 show the filler requirements and slot IDs for the 16-DIMM memory extender board.
Figure 6-8 16-DIMM Memory Extender Board Slot IDs
An optional 32-DIMM memory extender board is available to replace the 16-DIMM memory extender board.
This extender board must contain a minimum of one GB of memory [four 256 MB DIMMs loaded in quad 0
(connectors 0A, 0B, 0C, and 0D)].
Table 6-1 DIMM Filler Requirements for 16-DIMM Memory Extender Board
DIMMs Loaded
Fillers Required
a. One DIMM filler board covers two adjacent DIMM connectors.
4 DIMMs in quad 0 Six fillers total:
Two fillers in each quad 1, 2, and 3
8 DIMMs in quads 0 and 1 Four fillers total:
Two fillers in each quad 2 and 3
12 DIMMs in quads 0, 1, and 2 Two fillers total:
Two fillers in quad 3
16 DIMMs in quads 0, 1, 2, and 3 No fillers required