rp7400 Server Boot up
rp7400 Server Boot up
When booting up your system, for the first time, the first thing you should to is configure the Guardian
Service processor (GSP). Failure to configure the GSP will leave the system vulnerable to unauthorized.
Configuring the Guardian Service Processor (GSP)
The Guardian Service Processor (GSP) is a resident processor within the system that allows the local or
remote system administrator to monitor and perform administrator functions. This section provides
configuration procedures that will instruct you to:
• Configure the LAN port
• Add or delete users (maximum of 20)
• Change the default GSP configuration
Go to the appropriate section for the task that you wish to accomplish.
Configuring the GSP LAN Port
Perform the LAN configuration from the systems local port (either console or the HP secure web console).
NOTE The GSP has a separate LAN port from the system LAN port. It will need a separate LAN drop,
IP address, and networking information from the port used by HP-UX.
Before starting this procedure, you will need to know the following information:
• I.P. address (for GSP)
• Subnet mask
• Gateway address
• Hostname (this is used when messages are logged or printed)
To configure the GSP LAN port, perform the following steps:
1. Go into the GSP with the ctrl+b entry.
2. At the GSP prompt, enter the LAN Configuration (lc) command:
GSP> lc
The lc command will start a series of prompts. Respond to each prompt with the appropriate information.