4 Installing HP Insight managed system setup wizard
HP Insight managed system setup wizard is selected by default to be installed when installing HP
Insight Management.
When installing the HP Matrix Operating Environment the managed system setup wizard also is
selected and cannot be deselected.
HP Insight managed system setup wizard can be optionally selected when installing HP SIM.
Configuring HP Insight managed system setup wizard on HP-UX
When installing or uninstalling HP Insight managed system setup wizard on HP-UX systems, you
must perform manual configurations using msswinitconfig command.
The msswinitconfig command is installed with the managed system setup wizard on HP-UX.
You should run the msswinitconfig command after you have installed the managed system
setup wizard and have run the mxinitconfig -a command to configure SIM. You also should
run the msswinitconfig command before uninstalling the wizard.
See msswinitconfig(1M) for details.
Configuring HP Insight managed system setup wizard on HP-UX 9