4-8 V8.5e Rev 2.2.2002
is set to film or grayscale mode the printhead’s requirement for
strobe times is raised. This requires a slower plot speed in order to
maintain the high quality level of the V8.5e.
Note: there are two preprogrammed media tables for grayscale
plotting. These calibration tables can be changed for different medias
by uploading new tables which can be provided by The Imaging
Systems Group Inc. for virtually any approved thermal media. These
tables are custom tuned to provide maximum grayscale performance
on a selected media. These tables can be uploaded to the V8.5e,
where they are stored in non-volitile memory until overwritten.
Tables are uploaded two at a time overwriting the factory default
tables stored in T1 and T2.
The media function adjusts the time that the printhead is turned on
(strobe time) to create an image on the media based upon the media
type selected. The default setting is light paper. When the plotter
CAUTION: Thermal plotting technology involves high temperatures.
Incorrect media or contrast settings can damage the printhead or
other components and void the warranty. Media damage can also
VORSICHT: Bei der thermischen Plottertechnologie entstehen hohe
Temperaturen. Ungeeignete Medien oder falsche
Kontrasteinstellungen können den Druckkopf oder andere Bauteile
beschädigen und zu Verlust der Garantie führen. Auch können
Beschädigungen an den Medien entstehen.