
Configuring RADIUS Server Support for Switch Services
Configuring and Using RADIUS-Assigned Access Control Lists
Event Log Messages
Message Meaning
ACE parsing error, permit/deny
keyword < ace-# > client < mac-address >
port < port-# >.
Could not add ACL entry.
Could not create ACL entry.
Could not add ACL, client mac < mac-
address > port < port-# >, at max per-port
ACL quantity.
ACE parsing error, IN keyword,
< ace-# > client < mac-address > port
< port-# >.
ACE parsing error, protocol field,
< ace-# > client < mac-address > port
< port-# >.
ACE parsing error, FROM keyword,
< ace-# > client < mac-address > port
< port-# >.
ACE parsing error, ANY keyword,
< ace-# > client < mac-address > port
< port-# >.
ACE parsing error, TO keyword,
< ace-# > client < mac-address > port
< port-# >.
ACE parsing error, destination IP,
< ace-# > client < mac-address > port
< port-# >.
ACE parsing error, tcp/udp ports,
< ace-# > client < mac-address > port
< port-# >.
Rule limit per ACL exceeded. < ace-# >
client < mac-address > port < port-# >.
Duplicate mac. An ACl exists for
client. Deauthenticating second.
client < mac-address > port < port-# >.
Notifies of a problem with the permit/deny keyword in
the indicated ACE included in the access list for the
indicated client on the indicated switch port.
Notifies that the ACE entry could not be added to the internal
ACL storage.
Notifies that the ACL could not be added to the internal ACL
Notifies that the ACL could not be added because the per-
port ACL quantity would be exceeded.
Notifies of a problem with the IN keyword in the indicated
ACE of the access list for the indicated client on the
indicated switch port.
Notifies of a problem with the protocol field in the indicated
ACE of the access list for the indicated client on the
indicated switch port.
Notifies of a problem with the FROM keyword in the
indicated ACE of the access list for the indicated client on
the indicated switch port.
Notifies of a problem with the ANY keyword in the indicated
ACE of the access list for the indicated client on the
indicated switch port.
Notifies of a problem with the TO keyword in the indicated
ACE of the access list for the indicated client on the
indicated switch port.
Notifies of a problem with the destination IP field in the
indicated ACE of the access list for the indicated client on
the indicated switch port.
Notifies of a problem with the TCP/UDP port field in the
indicated ACE of the access list for the indicated client on
the indicated switch port.
Notifies that an ACL has too many rules.
Notifies that an ACL for this mac on this port already exists.