7 Configuring the HP XC System
The information in this chapter parallels the information in Chapter 3 in the HP XC System
Software Installation Guide. To configure your system, you use a combination of the instructions
in this HowTo and the instructions in the HP XC System Software Installation Guide. Perform the
configuration tasks in the order shown in this chapter.
7.1 Task 1: Install Patches or RPM Updates
Open the HP XC System Software Installation Guide to Chapter 3, and follow the instructions in
Task 4 to install patches and RPM updates.
7.2 Task 2: Refer To the Installation Guide For System Configuration Tasks
In Chapter 3 of the HP XC System Software Installation Guide start with Task 6 and complete all
remaining system configuration tasks, which describe how to:
• Set up the system environment
• Run the cluster_config utility to configure system services and create the golden image
• Run the startsys command to start all nodes and propagate the golden image to all nodes
• Perform other optional and required configuration tasks
Follow the configuration tasks exactly as documented in the HP XC System Software Installation
Guide with the following exceptions:
• Configuring InfiniBand switch controller cards (Section 7.2.1)
• Starting all nodes and propagating the golden image (Section 7.2.2)
7.2.1 Using Specific IP Addresses to Configure InfiniBand Interconnect Switch
Controller Cards
Appendix D in the HP XC System Software Installation Guide describeshow toconfigure InfiniBand
switch controller cards.
Table D-4 in Appendix D provides a list of the switch names and associated IP addresses to use
during the switch controller card configuration procedure. However, because the IP address
base differs if the hardware configuration contains server blades and enclosures, you must use
the IP addresses shown here in Table 7-1.
Table 7-1 InfiniBand Switch Controller Card Naming Conventions and IP Addresses
IP AddressSwitch NameSwitch Order
First switch
Second switch
Third switch
Last switch
7.2.2 Running the startsys Command With Specific Options To Start the System and
Propagate the Golden Image
Chapter 3 in the HP XC System Software Installation Guide describes how to use the startsys
command to start all nodes and propagate the golden image to all nodes. When you get to that
point in the configuration task list, use the following startsys options when the hardware
configuration contains more than 50 nodes:
1. Propagate the golden image to all nodes:
7.1 Task 1: Install Patches or RPM Updates 39