
Reference Information
Modem Reference Information
90 Reference Guide
Modem Reference Information
You can customize the operation of the modem using AT commands and S-registers.
You can do this from Phone and Modem Options in Control Panel, from most
communications software, or by using terminal mode in your software.
You should have a good understanding of modems and how they operate before you
change default settings.
This section contains summary information about AT commands, S-registers, and
selected result codes for the built-in modem.
Modem Reference (Conexant)
All listed AT commands must be preceded by the characters AT(except for the
command A/). The commands can be entered in upper or lower case. Many
commands can be used as queries by entering ?as the argument.
Conexant AT Commands (Advanced Users Only)
Command Function (Conexant)
A Go off-hook and attempt to answer a call.
A/ Re-execute command (not preceded by AT).
Dn Dial modifier: 0–9, A–D =DTMF digits; L=redial last number; P=pulse dialing; T=tone dialing;
W=wait for dial tone; * (“star”); # (“pound sign”); +; !=flash; @=wait for silence; $ or &=wait for
credit card dialing tone; ,=return to command state; ‘=dial pause; ^=toggle calling tone.
Parentheses, hyphens, and spaces can be used to format dial string and have no other effect.
E0 Turn off command echo.
E1 Turn on command echo (default).
H0 Initiate hang-up sequence.
H1 If on-hook, go off-hook and enter command mode.
I0 Report product code.
I1 Report LSB of stored checksum.
I2 Report “OK”.
I3 Report identification codes.
I4 Report product description.
I5 Report country code parameter.
I6 Report modem data pump model and internal code revision.
I7 Report modem data pump model and internal code revision.
I8 Report “OK”.
I9 Report country.
Ln Set speaker volume: 0=off, 1=low (default), 2=medium, 3=high.
Mn Activate speaker: 0=off, 1=on during handshaking and off when receiving carrier (default),
2=always on, 3=off when dialing and receiving carrier, on when answering.