1925 Ruffin Mill Road, Colonial Heights, VA 23834
Due to our commitment to continuous improvement all specifications are subject to change without notice.
Hill PHOENIX is a Sustaining Member of the American Society of Quality.
Visit our web site at www.hillphoenix.com
Maintenance & Case Care
When cleaning cases the following must be performed
PRIOR to cleaning:
To avoid electrical shock, be sure all electric power is
turned off before cleaning. In some installations, more
than one switch may have to be turned off to complete-
ly de-energize the case.
Do not spray cleaning solution or water directly on fan
motors or any electrical connections.
All lighting receptacles must be dried off prior to inser-
tion and re-energizing the lighting circuit.
Please refer to the Use and Maintenance section of this installation manual.
Tel: 1-800-283-1109