
Performing Storage Navigator Operations 4-25
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Hitachi Storage Navigator User’s Guide
Using Configuration File Loader
This section explains how to export or import a spreadsheet file using
Configuration File Loader. For the format of a spreadsheet file, see the
documentation of the program products supporting Configuration File Loader.
The instructions in this section assume the use of Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is recommended for best compatibility.
Exporting the Spreadsheet
To export the spreadsheet file:
1. Log in to Storage Navigator, and open the Configuration File Loader
window (see Configuration File Loader Window).
2. Change to Modify mode (see Changing Between View Mode and Modify
3. Select the
program product option that you want to export from the Select
Sheet list.
4. Click Export to open the Export dialog box (for the example of LUN
Manager, see Figure 4-13).
you use the Mozilla Web browser, the Download Manager dialog box may
display when you click Export. If this occurs, close the Download Manager
dialog box and continue the operation.
5. You can either enter the name of the spreadsheet directory directly in File
Name on Client, or you can click Browse to open the Save dialog box,
which allows you to specify the directory for the spreadsheet file. The
following rules apply for the file name:
The file extension must be “.spd”.
The maximum number of characters including the extension is 32.
The following symbols cannot be used for the file name:
\ / : , ; * ? “ < > | and space.
The file path must be under 255 letters.
6. Once you have specified the directory and file name, click Save to close
the Save dialog box and return to the Export dialog box. The specified
directory is displayed in File Name on Client and the Export button
becomes available.
7. Click Export to export the spreadsheet file and close the Export dialog box.
If you want to cancel the exporting operation, click Close on the Export
dialog box.
8. After you have exported the spreadsheet file, you can log out from Storage
Navigator if you want, but it is not required.