On a bike with a slanted top tube, place top tube
on rear cradle, and down tube on front cradle to
keep bike as “level” as possible.
10. When your Express rack is not in use, the hubs
may be re-adjusted so that the rack folds flat.
If you have any questions or installation problems,
please see your local retailer or call Hollywood Racks
at 800-747-4085 Mon.-Fri. from 7:00AM–3:00PM
Pacific time or email us at info@hollywoodracks.com
Euro Note: Special instructions for use in Europe: It
is the driver’s responsibility to insure that the vehicle
number plate and tail lights are visible.
Special Notes for SUV’s and Mini-Vans: The rear cargo door(s) on many SUV’s and Mini-vans may not
be structurally strong enough to support the weight of the Express rack and bicycles. For these vehicles we
recommend the Hollywood Model F4 Heavy Duty, or F6 Expedition bumper mount racks. If your vehicle
has a 1-1/4” or 2” receiver hitch, we recommend fitting a Hollywood hitch rack.
Caution: This bicycle carrier has been designed to attach securely to most vehicles. It is the user’s
responsibility to insure the safe and proper installation of this product. Improper attachment or installation
of this product may result in damages to your bicycles, vehicle, or vehicles following behind you. If the
pads of this rack (or any rack) are resting against glass or a structurally soft panel, be aware that this may
cause damage to your vehicle. The manufacturer of this product will not extend the warranty to any
damages not attributable to a defect in materials and workmanship. The fit guide printed in this manual is
intended as a general reference only. On going changes in vehicle design, materials and finishes used on
motor vehicles make it the user’s responsibility to determine the use of this product. Do not attach hooks to
aluminum, glass, fiberglass, moldings, spoilers or carbon fiber parts. Please check the Fit Guide on the back
page prior to installation!
If the make and model of your cars is listed as a “No Fit,” check with your dealer about installation
assistance, exchange for another model that will fit, or refund. This guide is not complete due to continuous
changes in automotive design. For answers to questions, call our customer service department at:
800-747-4085 Mon.-Fri. from 7:00AM–3:00PM Pacific time or email us at info@hollywoodracks.com
Al usar tu nuevo Hollywood E3 portabicicletas sigue por favor éstas importantes recomendaciones:
·SE instala el portabicicletas express en estructuras solidas en cubiertas posteriores solamente. Si posees una mini
furgoneta o un vehículo para uso general. (SUV), ser seguro leer las notas especiales abajo.
.Nunca poner los ganchos a la fibra del aluminio, del plástico, del cristal, de la fibra de vidrio o del carbón. Si duda,
comprobar la superficie con un imán. Si el imán se pega, es aceptable utilizar el portabicicletas. Si no, no utilizar el
portabicicletas en el vehículo. Los ganchos de la correa pueden dañar la superficies del vehiculo. Los ganchos se pueden
unir a las barras cruzadas del estante de la azotea. Comprobar el contorno de la barra primero para estar seguro que
aceptará y conservará el gancho con seguridad.
.Limpia la superficie del maletero, de la puerta post
erior o de la tapa de la cubierta antes de la instalación del portabicicletas.
Limpiar las superficies de los cojines de la esponja en tu portabicicletas express. La suciedad atrapada entre los cojines del
portabicicletas y el maletero puede rasguñar la pintura del vehículo debido a la composición abrasiva de la suciedad.
.Aprieta las seis correas ambas antes y después que montan las bicis en el portabicicletas.
.Nunca poner más de 100 libras. (45 kilogramos) en el portabicicletas express.
.Uso de. las correas de goma dos por cada bici, para asegurar la bicis a tu portabicicletas.
.Usa siempre el lazo de 86”
externos despues de cargar las bicis en tu portabicicletas express con la correa. al final ata con
seguridad se debe roscar a través de todas las bicis, y del marco del portabicicletas express así mismo.