
7 - 1
DeviceConfig configures the Dolphin terminal. DeviceConfig consists of the DeviceConfig.exe and the DeviceConfig.exm file.
DeviceConfig.exe looks for and applies the settings in the DeviceConfig.exm file.
DeviceConfig.exm File
The DeviceConfig.exm file contains terminal configuration settings. This file’s configuration settings persist through reboots and
should be considered system defaults.
Enabling DeviceConfig Functionality
By default, all sections except the About Section (see page 7-5) are disabled, which means that the key values are not
applied to the terminal. To use the DeviceConfig.exm file to configure the terminal, enable the sections and keys required
by your configuration.
Autorun (see page 6-1) launches DeviceConfig.exe, which applies the DeviceConfig.exm settings, then launches a reboot.
The DeviceConfig.exm file must be associated with DeviceConfig.exe. The associated application path must be
For more information, see Registry Documents, page 4-11.
Bar Code Delivery
When the DeviceConfig.exm file is delivered to the terminal via bar code, EZConfig Client launches DeviceConfig.exe auto-
matically after decoding. DeviceConfig.exe then applies the settings in theDeviceConfig.exm file in the terminal. For more
information, see Creating Bar Codes (page 2-17) and EZConfig Client (page 2-26).
The DeviceConfig.exm file must be associated with DeviceConfig.exe for EZConfig Client to launch DeviceConfig.exe after
decoding the bar code. The associated application path must be \Honeywell\deviceconfig.exe
For more information, see Registry Documents, page 4-11.
Settings in the WLAN Supplicant
Many settings in the DeviceConfig.exm file match the settings in the WLAN Supplicant on the terminal that allow the user to
enter and save the same values. If you change a setting in the WLAN Supplicant, that setting is applied. During the next
reboot, Autorun launches DeviceConfig, which then re-applies the settings in the DeviceConfig.exm file.
DeviceConfig.exm Sections and Keys
The sections and keys in the DeviceConfig.exm file are locked, which means that you can change values but not names or
Connections Section
The Connections section contains child sections that set communication parameters on the terminal.
Section Name Description See Page
Configures communication parameters. There are child sections that
configure the on-board radios and the ActiveSync connection.
Configures basic system settings. 7-5
Configures software applications. 7-6