2 - 10
Parameter Description
puchMsg Command sent to the imager with or without command wrapper. If no wrapper, set
bSendRaw to TRUE.
nLen Number of bytes to send (in puchMsg).
bSendRaw If TRUE, the SYN M CR command wrapper is NOT added to the command before sending
it to the imager. If FALSE, the command is sent withSYN M CR command wrapper.
puchReply Buffer to hold imager response. Can be NULL if no response required.
nLenToRead Number of bytes to read from imager in response. 0 if no response.
pnRetLen Pointer to number of bytes returned in pnRetLen. NULL if no response required.
hhpSetAsyncMethods sets the methods by which the caller wishes to be notified upon receipt of a barcode or image.
HANDLE hEventHandle,
HWND hWndHandle,
Parameter Description
hEventHandle Handle to a Windows Event. The event should specify manual reset.
hWndHandle Handle to the application window that should receive the SDK defined message
WM_HHP_EVENT_HWND_MSG. The message parameters are:
WPARAM The event type (hhpEventType_t)
LPARAM The number of bytes received
EventCallback Callback function of type HHPEVENTCALLBACK, which is BOOL CALLBACK name (
EventType_t,DWORD ).
This function changes the code page used when translating the decoded data from a string of bytes to Unicode. The default
value is CP_ACP (ANSI code page). There is no error checking on the values sent to this function, so you must determine
whether or not a code page is valid on the given system.
DWORD dwCodePage
Parameter Description
dwCodePage Code page to use when converting from BYTE string to Unicode. The only 2 code pages
that are valid are CP_ACP and CP_OEMCP.
Defaults a configuration group or individual group structure items.
ConfigItems_t item