
Page A-12 10521I05.TDC Rev 5, April/2003
Byte Data
52-54 indicated airspeed (IAS, knots)
ASCII-coded decimal format (least significant digit is units), LSB first. Example: An IAS of 298 knots
would be sent as "892" (38H, 39H, 32H).
55 indicated airspeed checksum
Break each decimal value into its BCD representation. Using BCD arithmetic, add the three BCD
values and convert the low-order BCD digit to an ASCII-coded numeric digit. Example: Checksum
for "892" would be "9" (39H).
56-58 true airspeed (TAS, knots)
ASCII-coded decimal format as for IAS.
59 true airspeed checksum
Sum for TAS bytes computed as for IAS.
60-62 MACH (airspeed/speed of sound)
ASCII-coded decimal format with an implicit leading decimal point (least significant digit is thou-
sandths). Example: A MACH value of .492 would be sent as "294" (32H, 39H, 34H).
63 MACH checksum
Sum for MACH bytes computed as for IAS.
64-69 pressure altitude (PALT, feet)
ASCII-coded decimal format with a sign character. Example 1: A PALT of 34500 feet would be sent
as "00543+" (30H, 30H, 35H, 34, 33H, 2BH).
70 pressure altitude checksum
Sum for PALT bytes, excluding the sign character. Example: The sum for -850 feet would be "3"
71-76 density altitude (DALT, feet)
ASCII-coded decimal format with a sign character, as for PALT.
77 density altitude checksum
Sum for DALT bytes, excluding the sign character, as for PALT.
78-80 total air temperature (
ASCII-coded decimal format with a sign character. Example: An OAT of 25
C would be sent as
81 total air temperature checksum
Sum for total air temperature bytes, excluding the sign character, as for PALT.
82-84 wind direction (degrees from true north)
ASCII-coded decimal format. Example: 122
would be sent as "221" (32H, 32H, 31H).
85 wind direction checksum
Sum for wind direction bytes, as for IAS.
86-88 wind speed (knots)
ASCII-coded decimal format, as for IAS.
89 wind speed checksum
sum for wind speed bytes, as for IAS.
90-92 drift (degrees)
ASCII-coded decimal format with a direction character. Example 1: 7° right would be "70R".
Example 2: 14° left would be "41L".