Laser Safety
The Radiation Protection Bureau currently accepts products meeting the FDA
standards in Canada. For more information contact:
Radiation Protection Bureau
775 Brookfield Road
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1C1
The IS4125 has been tested to meet Class B EMC Standards. The integrator is
responsible to maintain proper EMC techniques to maintain this performance
Products meeting FCC 47 CFR Part 15 will meet Industry Canada interference-
causing equipment standard for digital apparatus. Additional testing is not
A written notice indicating compliance must accompany the apparatus to the end
user. The notice shall be in the form of a label that is affixed to the apparatus.
The notice may be in the form of a statement included in the user’s manual if,
because of insufficient space or other restrictions, it is not feasible to affix a label
to the apparatus.
United States
IS4110 scan engines do not include control circuitry and therefore do not incorporate a
laser beam timeout. This feature is necessary for compliance to CDRH Class II and /or
IEC Class 2 unless laser product modifications that change the requirement are made.
Die Scanner IS4110 verfügen über keinen Steuerungsschaltkreis und daher auch nicht
über einen Timeout des Laserstrahls. Diese Eigenschaft ist jedoch nötig zur Konformität
mit den Normen CDRH Class II und/oder IEC Class 2, außer es werdenn Modifikationen
des Laserprodukts vorgenommen, die zugleich die Anforderungen erfüllen.
Comme les scanner IS4110 ne sont pas équipés d'un circuit de commande, il n'y a pas
de temps imparti pour le faisceau du laser. La conformité aux normes CDRH ClassII
et/ou IEC Class 2 exige cependant cette propriété, sauf si les produits laser sont
modifiés de facon à ce que ces exigences shangent aussi.
Gli scanner IS4110 non dispongono di un circuito di regolazione e quindi neanche di un
timeout del raggio laser. Tuttavia questa caratteristica è necessaria ai fini della
conformità con le norme CDRH Class II e/o IEC Class 2, a meno che non vengano
effettuate modifiche del prodotto laser che mutino a loro volta I requisiti da soddisfare.