Airport Systems
EPM-00000019-001 v Rev A
This section contains general safety instructions for using your Honeywell equipment. Task
and equipment-specific Warnings are included in other sections of this manual where
appropriate. Read all Warnings and follow all instructions carefully. Failure to do so may
result in personal injury, death, or property damage. To use this equipment safely, refer to
the following:
1. Refer to the FAA Advisory Circular AC 150/5340-26, Maintenance of Airport Visual
Aids Facilities, for instructions on safety precautions.
2. Observe all safety regulations. To avoid injuries, always remove power prior to making
any wire connections and/or touching any parts. Refer to FAA Advisory Circular AC
3. Read and become familiar with the general safety instructions provided in this section
of the manual before installing, operating, maintaining, or repairing this equipment.
4. Read and carefully follow the instructions given throughout this manual before
performing specific tasks and working with specific equipment.
5. Store this manual within easy reach of personnel installing, operating, maintaining, or
repairing this equipment.
6. Follow all applicable safety procedures required by your company, industry standards,
and government or other regulatory agencies.
7. Obtain and read Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all materials used.
This manual uses two types of markings when giving instructions requiring special
attention. The markings will be followed by indented text:
The WARNING sign in this manual denotes a hazard. The WARNING
calls attention to a procedure or practice which, if not correctly
performed or adhered to, could result in property damage, injury or
death. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING sign until the indicated
conditions are fully understood and met.
Failure to obey the instructions following a CAUTION marking may
result in equipment damage.