Dispensing solution
Squeeze trigger to dispense cleaning
solution onto carpet, rug or floor.
2-6 2-7
Removing tank
Turn tank cap lock until the rivet is
directly above slot. Lift up lock and tank
Pull top of tank forward; Iift tank from
floor machine.
Cleaning floors
There are three methods of cleaning
hard surface floors:
1.Water method - used for all floors that
can be cleaned with soap or detergent
and water solution.
2. Solvent cleaning wax method - used
for wood and other floors that may be
damaged by water solutions.
3. Direct application cleaning method
- used for polyurethane sealed hard
wood and sealed laminate floors that
require periodic restoration.
1. Water method
Linoleum, asphalt, ru b b e r, vinyl, masonry
and stone floors may be cleaned with a
soap or detergent and water solution. Use
the floor machine to dispense cleaning
solution and to scrub floor.
Do not use the water cleaning method
on wood floors .
1 . Vacuum floor thoroughly to re m o v e
loose dirt and litter.
2 . Attach power scrub and cleaning
b r ushes. If there is a heavy accumulation
of wax to remove, snap on heavy duty
cleaning and waxing pads over bru s h e s
with fasteners.
3. Remove tank. Fill with HOOVER Bare
Floor Cleaner as directed on detergent
container. Replace tank.
Concentrated ammonia solution must be
used to remove some wax. If using a
product specifically for wax removal,
read caution label and follow instruc-
tions on container.
4 . Connect cord to a wall re c e p t a c l e .
P r ess handle release lever and start floor
polisher by lowering the handle.
5 . S t a r t at the end of a room and apply
solution to a 3 ft. x 6 ft. (1m x 2m) area by
squeezing the trigger occasionally.
Release the trigger and scrub the area as
n e c e s s a r y. When removing hard e n e d
wax, allow solution to remain on the floor
3-5 minutes. Do not let solution dry on the
f l o o r. Wipe up suds with a dampened
mop, sponge, or cloth.
6 . Rinse floor thoro u g h ly to completely
remove cleaning solution and eliminate
dulling and streaking. Scrub and rinse
each section of the floor the same way.
7 .Let the floor dry before waxing.
B r ushes should be rinsed to re m o v e
d e t e r gent and allowed to dry before using
them to polish or buff .
2. Solvent cleaning
wax method
Wood and other floors may be damaged
by using water solutions; therefore, use
only those cleaners and waxes recom-
mended specifically for these types of
The following directions are for cleaning
wood or other floors with a cleaning pol-
ishing solvent base liquid wax.
1. Vacuum floor to remove loose dirt and
debris. Wipe up sticky spots with a
damp cloth.
2. Apply wax-cleaner according to man-
ufacturer’s instructions on the container.
Do not dispense wax from tank. Do
not use floor machine to apply sol-
vent base liquid wax to the floor.
3. Refer to “Polishing and buffing floors”.
3. Direct application
Polyurethane sealed hard wood and
sealed laminate flooring can be cleaned
using a floor cleaner specially formulat-
ed for this type of floor. Check with the
flooring manufacturer for a recommend-
ed cleaner. Your floor machine can be
used periodically with this type of clean-
er to help restore the floor’s luster.
1. Vacuum floor thoroughly to remove
loose dirt and debris.
2. Attach the soft cloth pads to floor
machine referring to directions for Figs.
2-1 and 2-2.
3. Following directions on cleaner bottle,
start at one end of a room and apply
cleaner to a 3 ft. x 6 ft. (1m x 2m) area.
Do not dispense wood floor cleaner
from the tank. Connect floor machine
cord to a wall receptacle. Press handle
release lever and start floor machine by
lowering handle.
4. Move the floor machine slowly over
the area until the floor is completely dry.
During the transition from wet to dry, the
floor machine will seem to “labor” (motor
sound will change and the floor machine
may feel different) until the floor cleaner
has dried completely. The floor machine
motor will than return to its original
sound and feel.
5. To restore shine to stubborn areas,
attach the heavy duty cleaning and wax-
ing pads and repeat steps 3 and 4.
Such areas can also be dry buffed (with-
out applying a wood floor cleaner) using
the heavy duty cleaning and waxing