
There are two belts on your cleaner. The belts drive the agitator and the
power drive pulley and are important for the efficient operation of your
cleaner. Because of this, when buying new belts, you should always insist
on genuine HOOVER belts. Some other belts on the market, not manufac-
tured under the Hoover design and quality controls, may not operate the
agitator or ‘Power Drive’ correctly and may damage your cleaner,
When to replace belts Check from time to time to be sure the belts are
in good condition. If they are stretched or cut, they should be replaced.
Remove cord from electrical outlet.
Turn cleaner over
remove metal
plate on bottom of cleaner by push-
ing latches toward the outside of
cleaner. (Fig. 1). Lift plate to release
it from clips.
There are two belts as shown in Fig.
2. The larger belt is connected to the
agitator. To remove the large belt,
push latches that hold agitator in and
toward center of cleaner until they
are free. (Fig. 2). Lift out agitator and
remove old belt. (Fig. 3).
The smaller belt is attached to the
power drive pulley. (Fig. 2). To re-
place the smaller belt, it is necessary
to first remove the larger belt. Note:
It may not be necessary to change
both belts at one time.
Place new smaller belt over power
drive pulley and motor pulley with
smooth side of belt next to pulleys.
(Fig. 2). Next, place new larger belt
over motor pulley, then over agitator.
(Fig. 3).