5 Parameter Settings
User Guide
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
Issue 01 (2009-05-15)
Table 5-16
5.11 Configuring the SNTP
The HG612 needs to record the operation time of certain logs. Therefore, the HG612
should access a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server to obtain the accurate time.
Choose Advanced > SNTP.
Parameter Description
Table 5-16 describes the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) parameters.
SNTP parameters
Parameter Description
Enable auto
synchronization with
network time
It specifies whether to enable the SNTP function.
Primacy time server It specifies the primary SNTP server.
Secondary time server It specifies the secondary SNTP server.
Time zone It specifies the time zone.
5.12 Configuring the CWMP
The HG612 is completely compatible with the TR069 standard launched by the DSL
Forum. After the default configuration file is customized, the HG612 can properly access
the automatic configuration server (ACS) with the initial configuration to implement a
zero-configuration solution.
If an operator has enabled the automatic service provisioning function of the TR069, the
ACS automatically allocates the parameter settings of the HG612. You need only to set
the ACS parameters on the HG612 and complete the relevant settings on the ACS. The
network parameters can be automatically set through the TR069 function. You do not
need to set any other parameters on the HG612.
Choose Advanced > CWMP.
Parameter Description