HUAWEI ME909u-521 LTE LGA Module
Application Guide
SMS Application Scenarios
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Set the short message format to PDU.
Use the AT+CMGF command to set short message format: AT+CMGF=0 sets the
short message format to PDU.
The SMSC address provided by the service provider must be specified. In PDU mode,
the SMSC address is contained in the PDU packets. Therefore, in PDU mode, the
AT+CSCA command is optional.
To use the SMS features specified in the GSM 07.05 Phase 2+, the AT+CSMS
command must be used to enable the features.
Use the AT+CNMI command to set the unsolicited indications.
Use the AT+CPMS command to select the preferred short message storage (SIM or
ME). The ME909u-521 supports only the SM (SIM card) storage.
Use the AT+CGSMS command to select the MO SMS bearer domain (PS or CS
domain). For ME909u-521, the CS domain is the preferred MO bearer domain.
Figure 5-3 SMS initialization process – part 1
SMS initialization
Query the SMSC
Set the SMSC address to the SMSC
number of China Mobile's
Shenzhen Branch.
Set the message
service type.
Require the message
service type.
+CSCA: "",129
+CSMS: 0,1,1,1
+CSMS: 1,1,1
Example: SMSC
address is not specified.