HUAWEI VP9050 Executive Video Terminal
13 Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Issue 03 (2011-12-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
To view the serial number of the terminal, choose Diagnostics > System Information > Version.
Viewing Help on the User Interface
The help information provided on the user interface includes instant help information and an
operation guide.
Instant help information includes status icons and configuration verification messages that are
provided on different screens of the user interface. For example, if certain settings on the
system settings screen are incorrect, a message will be displayed indicating where the error
exists and how to rectify the error.
The operation guide describes how to operate the user interface. When using the terminal and
the provided administrator guide is not available, press to display this operation guide on
the user interface.
Technical Support
This Web site (support.huawei.com) provides an efficient and real-time communication
platform where users can obtain technical documents, submit technical questions, service
requests, and troubleshooting questions, and provide feedback about improving Huawei
products. To seek technical help over the Internet, please visit http://support.huawei.com.
Please provide the following information that will help Huawei engineers to answer your
questions effectively:
− Serial number of the terminal (To view serial number, choose Diagnostics > System
Information > Version.)
− Software version (To view the version, choose Diagnostics > System Information >
− Network information (To view the information, choose Settings > Network.)
− Diagnostic and troubleshooting measures that have been taken
Technical support hotlines
In case of an urgent fault, call the technical support hotlines for help. Before making a
call to the technical support engineers, keep the following information ready. In addition,
it is recommended that the terminal is powered on so that the relevant screens can be
accessed during communication.
− Problem description and associated information
− Serial number of the terminal (To view serial number, choose Diagnostics > System
Information > Version.)
Technical support hotlines: +86-755-28560808 4008308300 8008308300