Pub. 42004-615L2
Model 670-801-EX and 670-801-UL SmartSeries Amplifiers Page: 13 of 15
\\s_eng\gtcproddocs\standard ioms - current release\42004 instr. manuals\42004-615l2.doc
Software Configuration
The unit has the following versions of software:
PCBA Device Part Number
Base-16 PCBA U2 50086-014
FSK modem PCBA U1 49023-030
The SmartSeries Amplifier has software on U2 of the Base-16 PCBA and on U1 of the FSK Modem
PCBA. This software provides the following standard programmable features, accessible from the SST
Configuration screen when the station is in an ADVANCE system:
• Page Priority VLC Mode—determines the condition for setting the speaker amplifier output to the
User Page Priority VLC (Volume Level Control) Output Level by comparing the incoming page’s
Page Priority Level with the station’s Page Priority Level (VLC Page Priority). Default setting:
• Page Trip Level for Speaker Amplifier—the minimum trip level for detecting a page in progress.
Default setting: 0.44 Vpeak.
• Pass Level for Speaker Amp HC—the minimum expected test tone voltage level for supervision of
the speaker amplifier. Default setting: 0.2 Vpeak.
• Pass Level for Speaker/Wire HC—the minimum expected ambient level for supervision of the
speaker wire. Default setting: 35 dB SPL.
• Smart Party Line EOL—enables or disables the station as an end-of-line device for supervision of
party line 1, for a station configured either as a Smart Handset Dual Party Select device or a Smart
Handset Party Select device. Default setting: disabled.
• SmartSeries Station RTU Monitored Input Process—selects the input mode for each IDC. Default
setting: disabled.
• SmartSeries Station RTU Power Relay Process—selects the relay group and zone associated with an
indicating appliance circuit (IAC). Default setting: disabled.
• Speaker Amplifier Clip Level—the maximum output level of the speaker amplifier. Default setting:
2.16 Vpeak.
• System VLC Control—enables or disables VLC Mode. Default setting: disabled.
• System VLC Group—the group number for VLC operation. Default setting: 0.
• VLC Page Priority—the station’s incoming Page Priority Level. Default setting: 0.
The following standard programmable features are also accessible from the User Level Adjustment
control on the front panel:
• User Minimum Page Output Level (or Minimum Level)—the minimum page output level of the
speaker amplifier. Default setting: 4 watts.
• User Offset Added to Ambient (or Offset Level)—the amount of gain added to the ambient level so
that an incoming page is not lost in the noise. Default setting: 9 dB.
• User Page Priority VLC Output Level (or VLC Level)—the page output level of the speaker amplifier
when the station is in VLC Mode. Default setting: 1 watt.