Transfer Switch
Page 5 of 16 Pages
Receiving and Storage
After receiving the transfer switch inspect the cabinet for any damage that may have occurred during
shipping. If the transfer switch is not installed immediately, cover the cabinet and store in a dry area.
Condensation can corrode the contacts and other metal parts.
The transfer switch should be located as close as possible to the engine generator or to the alternate
power source. If possible, there should be a clear line of sight between the transfer switch and the
engine generator.
Line Connections
Refer to the drawings posted inside the cabinet door and in the drawing packet for customer
Before drilling and punching holes in the cabinet for wiring connections cover the transfer switch with a
protective covering. Small debris falling into the automatic transfer switch may jam the switching
mechanism or may cause electrical failure.
Ensure that the normal (primary), emergency (alternate), and load isolation switches are open before
making connections. Connect the load, normal source, and emergency source power cables in the same
phase sequence. Refer to the latest NFPA 70 and Field Connections Wiring Diagram for cable sizes and
torque requirements.
All other standard customer connections are made to PTB1 on the left side of the mounting panel. Use
approved 14-gauge wire for all control connections. Typical field connections are shown below.
Terminal Connections Description
PTB1-1 and –2 Engine Start Contact, for generator set
PTB1-5 and -6 TSNa4 contacts closed, normal position
PTB1-7 and -8 TSNa3 contacts closed, normal position
PTB1-9 and -10 TSEa4 contacts closed, emergency position
PTB1-11 and -12 TSEa3 contacts closed, emergency position
TSN - Auxiliary Contact, Normal source
TSE - Auxiliary Contact, Emergency source
After installation is complete, perform a transfer test as described in section 6.0 Maintenance.
4.0 Operation
Refer to the schematic and wiring diagrams that are provided with the transfer switch. These drawings
are provided in a packet, along with this manual. A schematic is also posted on the inside of the cabinet