Chapter 7 • Pointing the antenna
1037312-0001 Revision A
Automatic ACP test
Verify that the signal is still peaked by initiating an automatic
ACP test. To initiate this test, select the automatic cross
polarization test type. If the antenna passes the automatic ACP
test and maintains signal strength within 3
points on the signal
strength scale, it is pointed and ready to be registered.
If the antenna fails the automatic ACP test, follow these steps:
1. Initiate a manual ACP test.
2. When the test starts, make small, 1 ° or less changes in
polarization while observing the transmitter isolation.
3. Peak the polarization to the highest possible transmitter
4. Tighten the polarization lockdown nuts.
5. If the antenna passes the manual test, stop the manual test and
run the automatic ACP test again.
6. Check the signal strength.
If the antenna passes the automatic ACP test and maintains signal
strength within 3
points on the signal strength scale, it is pointed
and ready to be registered.
If the antenna passes the automatic ACP test, but the signal
strength drops more than 3 points after the test, you must repeat
the fine adjustments for azimuth and elevation:
1. Repeat the fine adjustments for both azimuth and elevation to
maximize the signal strength.
2. Repeat the automatic ACP test.
3. Check the signal strength.
If the antenna passes the automatic ACP test and maintains signal
strength within 3
points on the signal strength scale, it is pointed
and ready to be registered.
If the antenna still does not meet both criteria, repeat very small
polarization, azimuth, and elevation adjustments and ACP tests as
many times as necessary until you have peaked the signal and the
antenna passes the automatic ACP test and signal strength is
maintained within 3
Important: When you are finished pointing the antenna, lock
down all pointing adjustments. All adjustment points are shown
Figure 48 on page 60.