4-2. Service Organising
This menu gives users access to options that allow them to
organise their TV Services, Radio Services and Networks.
** The default PIN code is .
This mode allows users to Delete, Move, Lock and Skip
TV Services.
• Delete
1. Press the RED button to delete unwanted services.
2. Highlight the services that you want to delete in grey.
3. Press the OK button to confirm.
4. Press the EXIT button to cancel the deletion.
• Move
1. Press the GREEN button to move the service to where you want
to locate.
Then, the icon( ) will be displayed in front of the service number.
2. Use the buttons to select a new location.
3. Press the OK button to fix the location.
4. Press the EXIT button to return to the original location.
• Lock
1. Press the YELLOW button to lock services.
Then, the symbol “ ” will be displayed at the right side of
the service name.
2. Enter the Password to view the locked services.
• Skip
1. Press the BLUE button to skip services.
Then, the symbol “ ” will be displayed at the right side of
the service name.
2. Use NUMERIC buttons(0~9), service list or GUIDE( )button
to view the skipped services when selecting channels.
: You can’t view the skipped services by using buttons.
Organise TV Services
Organise All Services