545196741 Rev. 2 4/30/09
S Reduce the risk o
damaging plants by
(10--12 cm ) and reduci ng the engine spee d.
S Whe n trimming you should use less than
full throttle so that the trimmer line lasts
longer and to reduce the wear on the
trimmer head.
S The clearing technique removes all un-
wanted vegetation. Keep the trimmer
head just above the ground and tilt it. Let
the end of the trimmer line strike the
ground around trees, post s, statues and
the like. CAUTION! This technique
increases the wear on the trimmer line.
S The trimmer line wears quicke r and must
be fed forward more often when working
against stones, brick, concrete, metal
fences, etc ., than when coming into con-
tact with trees and wooden fences .
S The trimmer is ideal for cutting gras s that
is difficult to reach using a normal lawn
mower . Keep the trimmer line parallel to
the ground when cut ting. Avoid pres sing
the trimmer head against the ground as
this can ruin the lawn and damage the
S Do not allow the trimmer head to con--
stantly come into contac t with the ground
during normal cutting. Constant contact
of this ty pe can cause damage and wear
to the trimmer head.
S The fan effect of the rotating line can be
used for quick and easy cl e aring up.
Hold the trimmer line parallel to and
above the area to be swept and move
the tool to and fro.
S When cutting and sweeping you should
use full throttle to obtain the best res ults.
W ARNING: Ne ither the operator
of the machine nor anyon e else may
attempt to remove the cut material
while the engine is running or the
trimmer line is rotating, as this can
result in seri ous injury. Stop the
engine and trimm er head before you
remove materi al th at has wo und
around the drive shaft as otherwise
there is a risk of injury . The bevel
gear can get hot during use and may
remain so for a whil e aft erwar ds. Y ou
could get burn ed if you touch it.
W ARNING: Watch out for thrown
objects. Always wear eye pr otection .
Never lean over the cutting atta ch-
ment guard. Stones, rubbish, etc.
can be throw n up into the eyes
causing blindn ess or ser ious injury.
Keep unaut horize d per sons at a dis-
tance. Chil dren, animals, onloo kers
and helpers should be kept outside
Stop the machine immed iately if
anyone approaches.