English – 25
EC-declaration of conformity (Applies to Europe only)
Husqvarna AB, SE-561 82 Huskvarna, Sweden, tel: +46-36-146500, declare under sole responsibility that the hedge
Husqvarna 327HDA65 from 2009’s serial numbers and onwards (the year is clearly stated in plain text on the
type plate with subsequent serial number), are in conformity with the standards or or other normative documents
following the provisions in the COUNCIL’S DIRECTIVES:
- of June 22, 1998 ”relating to machinery” 98/37/EC, annex IIA.
- of December 15, 2004 ”relating to electromagnetic compatibility” 2004/108/EC.
- of May 8, 2000 ”relating to the noise emissions in the environment” 2000/14/EC. Conformity assessment according
to Annex V. For information relating to noise emissions, see the chapter Technical data.
The following standards have been applied: EN292-2, CISPR 12:1997, EN774
SMP Svensk Maskinprovning AB, Fyrisborgsgatan 3, SE-754 50 Uppsala, Sweden, has carried out voluntary type
approval for Husqvarna AB. The certificates have the numbers:
SEC/00/789, 01/164/067 - 327HDA65
Huskvarna 4 may 2009
Michael Kullberg, Business manager