
Current Models Bolt Size
22F 8mm / MRH
F230 8mm / MRH
22T 7mm / MLH
T230, T231, C230,
T2500, 65001 7mm / MLH
T250, C250 8mm / MLH
T260, T261, C260 8mm / MLH
T270, T271, C270,
T350 8mm / MLH
C350, B450, B530 10mm / MLH
Discontinued Models Bolt Size
BP35 8mm / MLH
B40 10mm / MLH
B45 10mm / MLH
C35 10mm / MLH
F18 8mm / MRH
F20 8mm / MLH
F21 8mm / MRH
LT18 7mm / MLH
LT20 7mm / MLH
T18 7mm / MLH
T20, C20 7mm / MLH
T25, C25 8mm / MLH
T27, C27 8mm / MLH
Shindaiwa Trimmer Head Guide
Shindaiwa offers several types of
trimmer heads to meet the require-
ments of our customers. This booklet
will help you ā€“ the distributor and
dealer ā€“ to help your customers
decide which trimmer heads to
purchase, as well as give them step-
by-step instructions on how to un-
tangle the mess of installing trimmer
Each Shindaiwa trimmer head
comes with a set of instructions on
line installation. In the event that
these instructions are lost or mis-
placed, feel free to provide your
customers with a copy of the instruc-
tions from this booklet that matches
their particular trimmer head.
General Trimmer Head
Information.................................... 3
Low Profile Manual Head.................. 4
SemiMatic Trimmer Head ................. 6
E-Z Load and E-Z Pro
Trimmer Heads ............................. 8
High Capacity Trimmer Head ......... 10
Midget Manual and High Profile
Trimmer Heads ........................... 12
Pro-Matic and Bump ā€™Nā€™ Cut
Trimmer Heads ........................... 14
HomePro Semi-Auto Feed.............. 16
Pro Semi-Matic ............................... 18
UN-10.............................................. 20
UN-30.............................................. 21
UN-32.............................................. 22
Flail Trimmer Head ......................... 23
Super Flail Trimmer Head ............... 24
Fixed Line Trimmer Head ............... 25
Heavy-Duty Fixed Line Head.......... 26
Adaptors.......................................... 27
page no.
MLH Male, Left Hand Thread
MRH Male, Right Hand Thread
FLH Female, Left Hand Thread
FRH Female, Right Hand Thread