
701344-003 Index-3
Entry Assist continued
Cursor, moving, 5-5
Cursor tabbing, 5-8
Delete word, 5-7
Description of, 4-15
Document mode, 5-2
Editing, 5-5
End-of-line signal, 5-5
Format controls, 5-2
Format scale, 5-3
Format scale origin, 5-5
Keys, 5-1
Margins, 5-3 - 5-4
New line, 5-8
Operator status row symbols, 3-40 - 3-45
Tab stops, 5-4
Word wrap, 5-6
Er Inp key, 4-10
Erase EOF key, 4-10
Erase Input key, 4-10
Erase to End of Field key, 4-10
ErEOF key, 4-10
Extended select
Description of, 4-14
Entry Assist, 4-15, 5-1 - 5-8
Overlays, 4-14
Response Time Monitor, 4-15
Deselecting, 4-9
Protected, 4-3
Selecting, 4-9
Unprotected, 4-3
Unprotected, mark character, 3-7
Unprotected, marking, 3-7
Format controls, 5-2
Format scale, 5-3
Format scale origin, 5-5
Forward Tab key, 5-8
FX1050, DIP switches, A-3
Hewlett-Packard Printer Command Language, A-4
Hexadecimal calculator
Clearing value, 6-7
Entering values, 6-7
Example of, 6-6
Hexadecimal calculator continued
Exporting values, 6-7
Full calculator, displaying, 6-7
Functions supported, 6-7
Importing values, 6-7
Memory function, 6-7
Results, displaying, 6-7
Results field only, displaying, 6-7
Home key, 4-5
Host Addressable Print option, 3-18
Host, connecting to, 2-4 - 2-5
HP Emulation mode, A-4
Operator Status row, 3-40 - 3-46
Power-On, 4-17
Init NVRAM Counters option, 7-7
Input Inhibited symbols, 3-41
Insert key, 4-9
Insert mode, 4-9
Intensity Control option, 3-9
ISO standard, conformance to, 1-1
KBD Switches option, 7-7
KBD test, 7-3
Alarm, 3-12
Click, 3-12 - 3-13
Connector, 2-3
Numeric Lock, 3-14
Operating modes, 3-1 - 3-2
Repeat Delay, 3-13
Switch settings, displaying, 7-7
Switches, setting, 4-15
Testing, 7-3
Types, 3-13 - 3-14
Keyboard Definition mode, 3-2
Keyboard menu
Offline, 3-12
Online, 3-30
Keyboard Type option, 3-13 - 3-14
Setup languages, defaults, 7-10
Alt, 3-3
Arrow, 4-5