Data Bits The number of data bits (either 7 bits or 8 bits)
transmitted per character. The factory default is 8 data
End Job Mode This option enables or disables data stream sensing for
end-of-document (EOD) terminator strings. These
sequences allow host computers to enforce print job
sequencing without considerations for interacting
timeouts. The values are none (printer recognizes only
the PostScript ^D command), QMS EOD
(%%EndOfDocument), and HP EOD
(<ESC>%-12345X). The factory default is none. See
“Cancelling and Ending Print Jobs” in chapter 5 for
more details.
PS Protocol This option sets the binary communications protocol
(BCP) for communicating over a serial, parallel, or
optional network interface to a PostScript printer.
Choices for the parallel interface are normal, normal
fixed, binary, and binary fixed. The default is normal.
Descriptions of these options are in
“Administration/Communications/Serial,” earlier in
this section.
This option allows you to configure printer-host computer
communications when using the AppleTalk interface.
Mode Mode enables or disables the PostScript emulation
interactive mode from the host. The default is enabled.
If disabled, the printer accepts no jobs through this
Connection Connection allows you to enable or disable print
spooling. The options are Conventional and Spool.
Conventional, the factory default option, allows one
AppleTalk connection and accepts only one print job
at a time. If two users send print jobs to the printer, the
workstation belonging to the first user is tied up until
the first job has been printed, and the workstation
belonging to the second user is tied up until both jobs
have been printed. The Spool option allows multiple
AppleTalk connections and accepts (spools) more than
Chapter 4
4-26 Printer Configuration
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