Retrieve size of user flash storage ......74
Prepare printer for shut down (S3) .....74
Asynchronous (real-time) commands ......74
Real-time requests ...........74
Data buffer management and batch printing . . . 76
Marker command ...........76
Reset line count ............77
Disable line count ...........77
Hold printing until buffer is released .....77
Release print buffer...........78
Unless noted otherwise, the communication parameters in this section apply to
SureMark printers that attach to a POS system with an RS-232 (EIA232) cable
If you use the RS-485 or USB communications interface, refer to either the
SureMark driver documentation in the appropriate IBM book for your operating
system (see Table 2) or, when using OPOS drivers, to the OLE for Retail POS
Application Programming Guide.
Table 2. Driver documentation by operating system
Operating System IBM Publication
4690 OS Version 1 and
Version 2
IBM 4690 OS API Specification for IBM 4610 Printers
DOS IBM Point-of-Sale Subsystem for DOS Programming
OS/2, Windows NT,
Windows 95, and Windows
IBM Point-of-Sale Subsystem Programming Reference and
User's Guide
The 4690 OS manual is available on the current maintenance diskette for the IBM
4690 operating system. Current versions of all publications are available on the RSS
web site.
RS-232 serial parameter
Protocol DTR/DSR mode or XON/XOFF mode
Baud Rate 9600, 19200, 115200
Start 1 bit Data 8 bits Parity None Stop 1 bit
RS-232 commands summary by function
The commands listed in Table 3 are described in detail in the following sections.
Table 3. RS-232 commands organized by function
Description Command Page
System Commands
EC/Request/Real-time status
DLE ENQ 4 or X'100534' Immediate or X'1B008000' Buffered 14
Enable/disable the feed buttons ESCc5nX'1B6335;n' 52.
Extended address command
(request printer ID)
GS | SOH or X'1D4901' This is an IMMEDIATE command. 15
Re-initialize the printer ESC @ or X'1B40'. 51
Reset printer DLE ENQ @ or X'100540' 13
Status request ESC v or X'1B76' 13
6 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR