Making a jewel-case insert
You can use Easy CD Creator to create a jewel-case insert or CD cover. When you
create a data or audio CD, the Easy CD Creator program creates a jewel-case insert
using the information in your CD layout, such as CD title, artist name, and song list.
To print a jewel-case insert or disc label:
1. Click Start Adaptec Easy CD Creator Create CD.
2. Click Jewel Case Creator.
3. In the left panel, click to select the front cover, inside front cover, back cover, or
CD label.
4. You can change your selections in the main editing window. To change the
background theme, click Format and then select Change Themes.
5. When you are finished making changes, click File and then select Print.
6. Click OK.
For more information on changing the information in the Jewel Case Layout window,
see the Adaptec software online user’s guide.
Backing up a CD
Attention: The CD Copier program copies files from one CD to another CD. To
copy a commercial CD, you must own the copyright or obtain permission from the
copyright owner. If you do not own the copyright or do not obtain permission
from the copyright owner, you might be violating copyright law and might be
subject to payment of damages or other remedies. For more information on
copyright law, consult your legal advisor.
To back up or copy a CD using your CD-ReWritable drive:
1. Click Start Programs Adaptec Easy CD Creator Features.
2. Click CD Copier.
The CD Copier window opens.
3. Click the Source and Destination tab if it is not the displayed window.
4. In the Copy From section, select the source drive from the pull-down menu.
Note: This is the drive containing the CD that you want to copy.
5. In the Record To section, select the CD-RW drive from the pull-down menu. Be
sure that there is a blank CD-R or CD-RW disc in the CD-ReWritable drive.
6. In the Advanced window, you can select the following options.
Note: If you select any of these options, the drive will copy the CD at a slower
Test the CD for the best possible recording speed.
Part 1: Installation and user’s guide 1-9