Diagnosing and recovering from problems
Chapter 10. Diagnosing and recovering from
This chapter can help you if your computer stops operating or displays error
messages. It covers the following major topics:
• “Before you panic: some simple fixes” on page 10-2
This section lists some common problems that you might encounter while
operating your computer.
• “Quick problem solving chart” on page 10-6
This flow chart will help you diagnose system problems that you may have with
your computer.
• “Solving hardware and software problems” on page 10-7
The tables in this section list some common hardware and software problems.
It includes corrective actions for each problem.
• “Error codes and messages” on page 10-17
This section lists the BIOS error codes and messages and their respective
corrective actions.
• “IBM Diagnostic Programs” on page 10-20
This section tells you how to use the Recovery and Diagnostics CD if you lose
the factory-installed programs in your computer.