
Family 2785+01 IBM Infoprint 2085
SEMEA PCL Symbols Set Support
Infoprint 2085 and 2105 support the following PCL Symbol sets for SEMEA.
Name ID
-------------- ----
Latin/Greek 12N
Latin/Cyrillic 10R
Latin/Hebrew 15H
Latin/Arabic 10V
Cyrillic-Russia 3R
Latin/Greek 11G
Latin/Cyrillic (code page 915) 10N
Latin/Hebrew 7H
Latin/Arabic 11N
Hebrew 7-bit 0H
PostScript Font Support
The standard Adobe PostScript 3 fonts includes the following 136 fonts:
Typeface # of Fonts Typeface # of Fonts
-------- ---------- -------- ----------
Albertus 3 Marigold 1
AntiqueOlive 4 Monaco 1
Apple Chancery 1 MonaLisa-Recut 1
ArialMT 4 NewCenturySchlbk 4
AvantGarde 4 NewYork 1
Bodoni 6 Optima 4
Bookman 4 Oxford 1
Carta 1 Palatino 4
Chicago 1 StempelGaramond 4
Clarendon 3 Symbol 1
CooperBlack 2 Tekton 1
Copperplate 2 Times 4
Coronet 1 TimesNewRomanPS 4
Courier 4 Univers 14
GillSans 9 Wingdings 1
Eurostile 4 ZapfChancery 1
Geneva 1 Zapfdingbats 1
Goudy 5
Helvetica 8
Helvetica Narrow 4
HoeflerText 5
JoannaMT 4
LetterGothic 4
LubalinGraph 4
PostScript fonts are not accessible via AFP/IPDS, nor can PostScript access AFP/IPDS fonts.
PostScript DBCS Font Support
The following Adobe PostScript 3 resident Japanese DBCS fonts are included with feature numbers 4810/4811:
Japanese Morisawa fonts:
http://gsmserv.boulder.ibm.com/cd/usmhw/M2785$01.htm (26 of 47)5/25/2005 7:01:07 AM