Table 3. RS-232 commands organized by function (continued)
Description Command Page
System Commands
Set vertical position GS $ y or X'1D24;y' 80
Set relative vertical position GS \ y or X'1D5C;y' 80
Set right margin position ESC ] n1 n2 or X'1B5D;n1;n2'' 47
Set left margin position (standard
mode), Set absolute print position
(page mode)
ESC $ n1 n2 or X'1B24;n1;n2' 81
Set relative horizontal position ESC <5C>h n1 n2 or X'1B5C;n1;n2' 81
Set printing position GS ] xyor X'1D5D;x;y' 82
Print and form feed and cut the
FF or X'0C' 82
Print page in page mode ESC FF or X'1B0C' 83
Clear print data in page mode CAN or X'18' 83
Alphabetized commands summary
Table 4. Commands in alphabetical order
Description Command Page
Align positions ESC a n or X'1B61;n' 48
Clear print data in page mode CAN or X'18' 83
Disable line count ESC 8 n or X'1B38'n 77
Define document wait time ESC f xyor X'1B66;x;y' 49
Download double-byte characters 485/USB Syntax: X'1B28;s;n;data' RS232 Syntax: ESC s ( n data or
Download graphics (logo)
GS * logo# n1 n2 data or X'1D2A;logo#;n1;n2;data' 20
Download user-defined characters ESC & s n m data or X'1B26;s;n;m;data' 23
Enable PDF417 truncation GS T n or X'1D54;n' 64
Enable/disable the feed buttons ESCc5nX'1B6335;n' 52.
Enable/disable two-color printing GS; n or X'1D3B n' 55
Enable/disable upside-down
ESC { n or X'1B7B n' 52
Erase flash EPROM sector ESC # n or X'1B23;n' 30
Extended address
command-request printer ID
GS | or X'1D4901' 15
Fix font matrix ESC : n or X'1B3A;n' 54
Flash storage write ESC ' n1 n2 data or X'1B27;n1;n2;data' 30
Flip check ESC 5 or X'1B35' 71
Generate drive pulse for cash
ESC p mn1n2or X'1B70;m;n1;n2' 73
Hold printing until buffer is
ESC 7 or X'1B37' 77
Impact code page MCT commands. 27
10 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR