Appendix A: Configuration
Netcool/Proviso Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-W 447
Note: Before proceeding to the next step, be sure you have configured each cucm.properties file in the directories
you created in
Step 6.
9. CUCM environment only: Start all ProvisoCUCM applications by running the startcucm.sh file in each
directory that you created in
Step 6.
ProvisoCUCM writes a log file in the same directory where its ProvisoCUCM.jar file resides. Monitor
log file to make sure that ProvisoCUCM is successfully communicating with the CUCM server. Also,
verify that CSV files are being generated to the output directories (
cdr_output_dir and/or
Note: Be sure that all ProvisoCUCM instances are operating successfully before proceeding to the next step.
10. Define global variables.
Global variables are specific to each CCM or CUCM cluster. You assign values to global variables in either
of the following files:
— CCMConfig.js. with CCM clusters
— CUCMConfig.js with CUCM clusters
The Cisco IP Telephony Technology Pack includes the configuration files CCMConfig.js and
CUCMConfig.js. In Step 2-e, you copied these files to DATA_CHANNEL_HOME/scripts (typically,
These configuration files contain sample values. Edit either or both files to assign values appropriate for
locations in your Cisco IP Telephony CCM or CUCM environment. The following table describes the global
variables to define:
If true, enables debug mode for ProvisoCUCM operations. Error
information pertaining to the SOAP interaction with the CUCM server is
written to a log file. The log file resides in the same directory as the
ProvisoCUCM.jar and cucm.properties files.
false, debug mode is not enabled.
Example: debug=true
Field Description
Variable Description
String specifying the customer’s identifier. This value allows automatic grouping
and report navigation by customer.
String specifying the cluster’s identifier. This value allows automatic grouping and
report navigation by cluster.
Example: var CMCLUSTER="SF";
Integer specifying the prefix to dial to call outside of the PBX (for example, 9
within the US, or
0 within Europe.)
Example: var OUTBOUNDPREFIX=0;